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Enzymes taking part in hydrolysis of cellulose
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S. Russel1, E.B. Górska1, A.I. Wyczółkowski2
1 Katedra Nauk o Środowisku Glebowym SGGW, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa
2 Instytut Agrofizyki im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiego PAN, ul. Doświadczalna 4, 20-270 Lublin 27

Acta Agrophysica 120 (2005)

abstract: Decomposition of cellulose as a main ingredient of plant residues enriches the soil in polysaccharides which are the main source of carbon in that environment, utilized by the edaphon. The cellulose microorganisms are responsible for this decomposition, as they produce the enzymes of the cellulase complex. The methods of determination of the activity of the cellulase enzymes used in examining the soil environment are presented.
keywords: Soil, main cellulolytic activity, saccharase
original in: Polish