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vol. 1, nr. 4 (2003)

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The effect of roasting on the texture of walnuts
Agnieszka Kita1, Adam Figiel2
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1 Department of Food Storage and Technology, Agricultural University, ul. Norwida 25, 53-375 Wrocław
2 Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University, ul. Norwida 25, 53-375 Wrocław

vol. 7 (2006), nr. 1, pp. 87-97
abstract: The objective of this study was to compare the mechanical properties of walnuts roasted in hot air and in oil at different technological parameters. It was found that the mechanical properties of walnuts were dependent on temperature and time of roasting. As roasting temperature increased nut hardness decreased. The time of roasting at lower temperatures also affected hardness alterations – the longer the roasting time, the lower the nut hardness values. There were recorded dependencies between the moisture of roasted nuts and their texture. Nuts of lower moisture featured less hard and more crispy texture, which was expressed by lower values of forces needed to destroy the nuts. The kind of heating medium used (air or oil) did not significantly affect the strength properties of walnuts.
keywords: roasting, walnuts, moisture, texture
original in: Polish