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vol. 11, nr. 2 (2008)

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Effects of irrigation of berry plants
Zdzisław Koszański, Ewa Rumasz-Rudnicka
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Department of Plant Production and Irrigation, Agricultural University, ul. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin

vol. 11 (2008), nr. 2, pp. 437-442
abstract: Field experiments were conducted with strawberry in 2000-2001, with highbush blueberry and raspberry in 2002-2003, on sandy soil of a good-rye-complex. The influence of drip irrigation was tested on the background of various doses of nitrogen (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N ha-1 applied for highbush blueberry); (0, 60, 120 180 kg N ha-1); and NPK at 0, 1NPK (20 + 40 + 50 kg ha-1), 2 NPK applied for strawberry. Drip irrigation significantly increased the yield of highbush blueberry, by 117%, of raspberry – by 43%, and of strawberry – by 15%. The best effect of fertilization was achieved at 120 kg N for raspberry, for highbush blueberry at 180 kg N ha-1, and for strawberry at 110 kg N ha-1.
keywords: highbush blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, mineral fertilization, drip irrigation
original in: Polish