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vol. 13, nr. 2 (2009)

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Influence of chosen physicochemical parameters of sediment on contents of inorganic phosphorus compounds in bottom sediments of small polimictic lakes
Hanna Siwek, Małgorzata Włodarczyk, Danuta Brzostowska-Żelechowska, Marcin Wachowiak
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Department of General Chemistry, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin ul. Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland

vol. 13 (2009), nr. 2, pp. 497-503
abstract: The fractionation of inorganic phosphorus was made in six bottom sediments of kettle holes located on areas of different agricultural use. The extractions performed allowed to isolate the following fractions: dissolved or water soluble P, reduced soluble P (bound to Fe an Mn oxides), NaOH-extractable P (bound to Al and humic acids), and HCl-extractable P (apatite phosphorus). Organic matter content and pH of the sediments were also analysed. Significant correlation were found between the tested parameters.
keywords: sediment, phosphorus, kettle holes, organic matter, pH
original in: Polish