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vol. 13, nr. 2 (2009)

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Analysis of variability of pluviometric conditions near the city of Cracow during the periods from April to July (1961-1990)
Barbara Ścigalska, Bernadetta Łabuz
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Department of General plant and Soil Cultivation, Agricultural University Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków

vol. 13 (2009), nr. 2, pp. 505-521
abstract: The objective of the paper was to analyse the variability of pluviometric conditions near the city of Cracow during vegetation seasons from April to July in the years from 1961 to 1990. The calculations performed were based on data obtained from the weather station in Mydlniki near Cracow. The Variability Factor (V%) was assumed to be a measure of variability. During the successive ten year periods from 1961 to 1990, analyses of thermal conditions were performed and the analysis results showed an increase both in the mean annual temperature, from 7.2 do 7.8oC, and in the mean value of temperature – from 13.4 to 13.8oC - during the period studied from April to July. Furthermore, it was found that the precipitation total gradually decreased during the successive 10-year periods from April to July. The precipitation amount during the vegetation season in the years from 1981 to 1990 was 82% of the precipitation total during the 10-year period in 1961−1970. The highest precipitation variability expressed per V = 54.3% was recorded in the 10-year period in 1961-1970. The temperature variability in the periods studied ranged from V = 28.9 to 32.3%. The relative variability of precipitation and tempera-ture from 1961 to 1990 appeared to be poorly differentiated. As for the precipitation, the variability was expressed by V = 35.7%, and as for the temperature – by V = 28.3%. The fact that the precipitation variability was higher compared to the temperature variability can be a proof of the impact of precipitation on the field production in the region near Cracow.
keywords: analysis of variability, pluviometric conditions
original in: Polish