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vol. 14, nr. 1 (2009)

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Basic physical properties of seeds of lathyrus sativus (Lathyrus sativus L.)
Stanisław Konopka1, Tomasz Jeliński2, Jadwiga Sadowska2, Wioletta Błaszczak2, Józef Fornal2, Wojciech Rybiński3
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1 Department of Working Machinery and Separation Processes, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury
2 Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research in Olsztyn, Division of Food Science ul. Tuwima 10, 10-747 Olsztyn
3 Institute of Plant Genetics in Poznań, Polish Academy of Science ul. Strzeszyńska 34, 60-479 Poznań

vol. 14 (2009), nr. 1, pp. 95-108
abstract: This paper presents the results of geometric characteristics, seed weight, critical speed of propagation and angle of external friction of 32 varieties of Lathyrus sativus from different European countries. PDifferences in the values were determine for analysed varieties, and an attempt was made to capture the dependencies between them. The results and their statistical analysis showed significant differences between the average values of the different varieties of Lathyrus sativus seeds. The presence of numerous homogeneous groups shows the large random variation in origin of varieties, which were the source of the sample.
keywords: Lathyrus sativus, seeds, geometric properties, aerodynamic properties, friction
original in: Polish