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vol. 14, nr. 2 (2009)

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Variations of net radiation of bare soil and grass surface at Wroc³aw-Swojec
Krystyna Bry¶
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Department of Agri- and Hydrometeorology, Institute of Environmental Development and Protection, Wroc³aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Pl. Grunwaldzki 24, Wroc³aw 50-363

vol. 14 (2009), nr. 2, pp. 287-302
abstract: The paper presents results of investigation of net radiation and its components on two agricultural surfaces - grass and bare soil - at the Wroc³aw-Swojec Observatory. The study used 12-monthly measuring material of permanent registration of flux intensity of global solar radiation K, reflected solar radiation K, incoming long-wave radiation L, outgoing long-wave radiation L in 2008. The analysis was concentrated on differences between radiation values of the investigated surfaces. The reasons of the differences between monthly average values of net radiation in daily and annual variation were taken into consideration. It was noted that net radiation of grass Q*tr dominated net radiation of bare soil Q*ug from May to August. In the remaining months the surface of bare soil possessed higher values of net radiation than grass, but they did not balance the quantity of energy which had been accumulated by the surface of grass in the warm period of the year. That was the reason why the average annual values of net radiation of grass Q*tr were higher than those of bare soil Q*ug. The base regulator of variation of the difference between the values of net radiation of both surfaces were albedo variations and differences in fluxes of outgoing long-wave radiation L. Topo-climatic effects of these radiation differences are also discussed.
keywords: net radiation, net short-wave radiation, net long-wave radiation, grass, bare soil
original in: Polish