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vol. 14, nr. 2 (2009)

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Thermal effect of potato tuber microwave heating
Tomasz Jakubowski
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Agricultural and Food Technology Section, Agricultural University ul. Balicka 116 B, 30-149 Kraków

vol. 14 (2009), nr. 2, pp. 345-354
abstract: The purpose of the work was to determine the heat absorbed by potato tuber while it is exposed to microwave heating, and to construct a linear regression model based on correlation dependencies between unit dose of microwave radiation and volume of heat absorbed by tuber. The researcher used equipment generating microwave radiation at frequency of 2.45 GHz. Tubers of very early potato variety Velox were used as material under investigation. The tubers were at the stage of full technical maturity. The first law of thermodynamics, Joule’s law and the second law of calorimetry were used in the computations. Research results indicate high linear correlation between unit dose of microwave radiation and volume of heat supplied to potato tubers during microwave heating.
keywords: potato, microwaves, heat, model
original in: Polish