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vol. 2, nr. 1 (2003)

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Inter-relation between some characteristics of corn crops and steep land
Aurel Sloboda
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Department of Safety and Production Quality, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technical University in Ko¹ice Letnį 9, 041 87 Ko¹ice, Slovakia

vol. 2 (2003), nr. 1, pp. 191-194
abstract: In our paper we wish to describe the relationship between several characteristics of corn crops and steep land. Important characteristics have been are taken into consideration, i.e. the weight of the fully grown plant, stubble height, corn crop height and weed growth. The results are given in the form of a graph. The increasing slope of land has a negative influence on the weight of a plant, 10mm stubble height and corn crop height.
keywords: steep land, crop, distances
original in: English