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vol. 15, nr. 1 (2010)

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Yields of winter rye in dependence on some soil properties and agricultural measures
Sławomir Dresler1, Wiesław Bednarek2, Przemysław Tkaczyk3
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1 Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University ul. Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin
2 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, University of Life Sciences in Lublin ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin
3 Regional Agrochemical Station in Lublin, ul. Sławinkowska 5, 20-810 Lublin

vol. 15 (2010), nr. 1, pp. 83-90
abstract: In the years 1997-2006 environmental research concerning crops of winter rye was carried out in the Lublin region. At 118 farms observations concerning yields of rye, depending on agrotechnology used and soil factors, were performed. Influence of dose of N fertilization, forecrop, crop rotation and soil properties on obtained amount of grain yield was investigated. It was established that out of assessed factors the dose of nitrogen influenced the most the mass of obtained grain. Average yield, depending on the year, amounted to 2.3-3.3 t ha-1. Lower yields of rye cultivated in monoculture or in crop rotation with big share of cereal was noted.
keywords: winter rye, yield, soil properties, agricultural practices, relationship
original in: Polish