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vol. 2, nr. 1 (2003)

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Agrophysical monitoring and modelling of food production processes
Ryszard T. Walczak, Andrzej Bieganowski
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Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin

vol. 2 (2003), nr. 1, pp. 255-264
abstract: The production of plant origin food covers the whole complex of human activity, which can be schematically presented as a sequence (or sometimes as a loop) of the following processes: selection of the site for plant growth, fertilization, preparation of the soil, sowing, protective measures, management practices, harvesting, transport, storage and processing. To realize these processes efficiently and effectively, sufficient material sources are indispensable, e.g. fertilizers, seeds, farm machines, etc., as well as the information, such as the results of measurements of: soils, agrometeorological conditions, losses during harvest, etc. Practically, in each of the above mentioned stages of the food production as well as the processes of preparation of sufficient material and information sources, agrophysics is applicable by: enriching the agricultural sciences in proper research methods, supporting the interpretation of results, modeling of phenomena and processes providing the information, which is the base for decision making. This paper presents concrete examples of the application of agrophysics in the processes of food production, including harvesting and evaluation of quality of agricultural products.
keywords: agrophysics, safe food, agrophysical metrology
original in: Polish