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vol. 4, nr. 1 (2004)

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Role of selected wheat and oat cellulose preparations in binding water in finely comminuted model meat products
Halina Makała, Michał Olkiewicz
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Meat and Fat Research Institute, Jubilerska 4, 04-190 Warszawa

vol. 4 (2004), nr. 1, pp. 85-96
abstract: The effect of the substitution of pork fat with wheat or oat cellulose preparations and the application of these preparations as a functional additive in finely comminuted meat products was studied. Chemical composition of the preserved meat bloc was examined, water binding and sensory profile of texture was characterized, and sensory desirability of the products was evaluated. As a result of the conducted studies it was found that the applied wheat and oat cellulose preparations as a substitute for 20 and 30% of the standard fat content allow the obtaining of products which are not worse than the control product in respect of their quality. Fat substitution on the level of 40% caused the lowest evaluation of the consistency desirability and of the general desirability. As a result of the application of cellulose preparations as a functional additive, the products with the sensory quality similar to that of the control product were obtained. Ca. 1.5% addition of the cellulose preparations to the model product did not deteriorate its sensory characteristics, with the simultaneous introduction of health-promoting dietary fibre to the meat product, as being so desirable in the diet for a correct functioning of human alimentary tract.
keywords: cellulose preparations, fat substitution, functional additive, meat products
original in: Polish