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vol. 1, nr. 3 (2003)

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Shaping of rotifers (Rotatoria) density and biomass in six shallow lakes of Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland
Andrzej Demetraki-Paleolog
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Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyobiology, University of Agriculture, Akademicka str. 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

vol. 1 (2003), nr. 3, pp. 385-393
abstract: . Studies on planktonic rotifers were conducted in July and October 2002 and in May, July and October 2003 in six lakes situated on the area of Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland (Kleszczów, Rotcze, Długie, Sumin, Głębokie Uścimowskie and Syczyńskie). Generally in all studied lakes 34 rotifers taxa were found. The highest species number was noted in Lake Rotcze – 19, while the lowest in Lake Syczyńskie – 14 species. Mean rotifers density in the whole studied period ranged from 419 ind. dm-3 in Lake Długie to 3270 ind. dm-3 in Lake Syczyńskie. The biomass of planktonic rotifers was different in particular lakes and changed from 247.8 μg dm-3 in Lake Długie to 3271.2 μg dm-3 in Lake Głębokie Uścimowskie. Among roitifers species dominated: Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra vulgaris, Conochilus uniformis, Keratella quadrata, Kellicotia longispina and Asplanchna priodonta.
keywords: lakes, planktonic rotifers, Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland
original in: Polish