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vol. 5, nr. 1 (2005)

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Soil erosion in agricultural basin with periodical water outflow in the Lublin Upland in 1999-2003
Andrzej Mazur
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Department for Land Reclamation and Agricultural Structures, University of Agriculture ul. Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin

vol. 5 (2005), nr. 1, pp. 85-92
abstract: The paper presents the results of 5-year studies on the intensity of water soil erosion in the loess basin in Elizówka near Lublin. The study program was based mainly on field determinations including the intensity of water erosion processes, taking into account the types and size of erosion damage expressed with the amount of soil transported and removed from the basin. During the studies, twelve surface washouts that led to erosion damage were registered. Run-off from the basin occurred twice, removing 15.9 mm of water, which was only 0.51% of the precipitation, as well as 4010 kg km-2 of sediments and 1648 kg km-2 of salt. Erosion damage in a form of rills, during the studies, amounted to 205,2 m3 km-2, and surface washout was estimated at 31.9 m3 km-2. The volume of precipitated mud was 129.8 m3 km-2. The total soil run-off, converted onto the area of the whole basin surface, amounted to 0.235 mm. The studies revealed that the basin was subjected to strong water erosion processes and the erosion intensity depended mostly on the area utilization. Furthermore, the studies proved that conclusions must not be formulated only on the basis of the amount of water and sediment run-off from the basin, but soil transport within the basin should be taken into account as well. During the 5 years of the study, the soil material that ran-off from the basin was only 1.2% of the amount of material transferred within the basin.
keywords: water erosion, agricultural basin, land utilization
original in: Polish