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vol. 5, nr. 3 (2005)

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Spring soil water reserves as affected by hydrometeorological factors
Stanisław Bac1, Andrzej Żyromski 2
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1 Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Wrocław Department, ul. Parkowa 30, 51-616 Wrocław
2 Department of Agro- and Hydrometeorology, Institute of Environmental Development and Protection, University of Agriculture Plac Grunwaldzki 24, 50-363 Wrocław

vol. 5 (2005), nr. 3, pp. 487-499
abstract: The paper presents the possibilities of estimating soil water reserves in April and May on the basis of precipitation and ground water level data. The 1st stage included the estimation of the relation between precipitation, ground water level and additionally climatic water balance from the years 1951-2000. Winter and summer periods were analysed separately. In the 2nd stage the data from a shorter period was analysed as a result of having available soil water reserves data only from the years 1963-1969 and 1976-1998. In the research 100 cm soil layers under bare soil and lawn were analysed. As the base data for the estimation of soil water reserves in April and May, monthly and calculated sums for precipitation and ground water level from winter period, counted from the beginning of November till the end of April of the following year, were taken. The dependences were found for each element separately and together, using multiple regression. The value of determination coefficient was the index used to describe the usefulness of all the forms. Estimated dependences permitted the evaluation of the usefulness of mentioned agro-meteorological elements for the estimation of soil water reserves with an indirect method.
keywords: ground water table, soil water reserves, precipitation, forecasting
original in: Polish