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vol. 6, nr. 2 (2005)

Laboratory studies on the use of fruit surface temperature for determination of transpiration rate as an important parameter of fruit quality
Piotr Baranowski1, Janusz Lipecki2, Wojciech Mazurek1, Ryszard T. Walczak1
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1 Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin
2 Department of Pomology Agricultural University ul. Leszczynskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin

vol. 6 (2005), nr. 2, pp. 307-318
abstract: Transpiration plays an important role in the water balance of fruit. In the conditions of transport and storage of fruit, even short term changes of ambient temperature influence the intensity of transpiration and, in consequence, the fruit quality. This paper presents the application of thermography for the determination of transpiration intensity of fruits. The object of the study were apples of three varieties: Jonagold, Ligol and Gloster and plums of three varieties: Top, Bluefre and President. The measurement of radiation temperature was performed for three values of ambient temperature, i.e. 11, 18 and 23°C during three successive days. To register the distribution of radiation temperature of fruit surface, a system was used, consisting of an AGEMA 880 LWB (8-13 μm) thermographic camera and a CCD camera working in the range of visible light. In the conditions of the experiment, differences between radiation temperature of the fruit surface and the air temperature were noticed, reaching up to 2.3oC, both for apples and plums. Transpiration coefficients of apples and plums of the investigated varieties for three various ambient temperatures (11, 18 and 23oC) differ significantly. For apples they fall in the range of 0 to 10-6 m s-1 and for plums from 0 to 7·10-6 m s-1.
keywords: thermography, fruit transpiration, transpiration coefficient
original in: Polish