www.old.acta-agrophysica.org / semi_year_book

vol. 6, nr. 2 (2005)

A concept of a power generation unit supplied with diesel fuel with an admixture of ethanol
Adam Koniuszy1, Andrzej Karbowy2
1 Institute of Fundamentals of Technology, University of Agriculture, ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 1, 71-459 Szczecin
2 Institute of Agricultural Machinery Operation, University of Agriculture, ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-459 Szczecin

vol. 6 (2005), nr. 2, pp. 393-400
abstract: The paper presents a concept of a power generation unit of the engine-generator type, operating in parallel to the mains power supply system in an agricultural farm. Performance characteristics were determined for a type S-4002 engine supplied with a fuel with the provisional name of the „diesohol”, as well as the torque characteristics of an asynchronous generator. Basing on a comparison of the power balance of the engine and the generator, the possible area of cooperation of the two units was presented, as well as the point of cooperation that ensures maintenance of specific fuel consumption at optimum level.
keywords: diesel engine, generator, ethanol, specific fuel consumption
original in: Polish