www.old.acta-agrophysica.org / semi_year_book

vol. 6, nr. 2 (2005)

Relative air humidity in the Lublin region – a general characteristic
Marcin Siłuch
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Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Maria Curie Skłodowska Uniwersity, Al. Kraśnicka 2CD, 20-718 Lublin

vol. 6 (2005), nr. 2, pp. 549-560
abstract: In this study data from 12 weather stations and posts located in the Lublin Region, from the period of 1951 to 2000 were used. The data included monthly mean values of relative humidity. The mean annual relative humidity (calculated from three basic observation times) is 79.7% and is similar to the mean relative humidity for all Poland. The lowest values of mean annual humidity were observed in Lublin and in Puławy and were approximately 78%, whereas the highest values were observed in Biała Podlaska – 81.5%. The time of the year when relative humidity is the highest is in winter with average 86.2%. Has got the lowest humidity; the average of longitudinal relative humidity is below 75%. In the majority of stations in Lublin Region the minimum relative can be observed in May, and the maximum in October and in December. Only in station situated in the southern part of the region (Zamość) the minimum values of relative humidity were noticed in April.
keywords: relative air humidity, humidity layout, The Lublin Region
original in: Polish