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vol. 7, nr. 3 (2006)

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Chemical composition of kale cultivated on two types of soil
Barbara Łata, Marzena Wińska-Krysiak
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Laboratory for Basic Science in Horticulture, Warsaw Agricultural University, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warszawa

vol. 7 (2006), nr. 3, pp. 663-670
abstract: The content of ascorbate, glutathione and its precursors, phenolic compounds as well as total antioxidant capacity (FRAP assay) in the two cultivars of kale cultivated on podsol sandy soil and silty loam alluwial soil was measured. Winterbor F1 cv. (green colour of leaves) exhibited significantly higher concentration of ascorbate and thiol compounds, whereas Redbor F1 cv. (red colour of leaves) was characterized by significantly higher concentration of phenolics and total antioxidant ability (FRAP assay). Plants grown on podsol sandy soil exhibited considerably higher concentration of ascorbate, thiol compounds and the content of dry matter, but it was strongly dependent on growing season.
keywords: curly kale, ascorbate, glutathione, phenolics, FRAP
original in: Polish