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vol. 8, nr. 1 (2006)

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Analysis of the level of co and co2 emission during the process of combustion of biomass containing leaves of various trees species
Małgorzata Dziewanowska1, Tomasz Dobek2
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1 Chair of Technical Security Ships, Technical University of Szczecin, ul. Piastów 41, 71-065 Szczecin
2 Department of Agricultural Machinery Operation, Agricultural University, ul. Papieża Pawła VI/3, 71-549 Szczecin

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 1, pp. 53-58
abstract: The article describes the results of tests of the level of CO and CO2 emission during combustion of leaves of many tree species using the cone calorimeter method according to ISO 5660-1. The tests proved that the rates of heat release for leaves of various trees species profiles are similar in the process but differ in amplitude. Concentration of CO2 for tested leaves species is comparable. The top value of measurement occurred at the same time but the CO2 level profiles emitted during burning of leaves of tested trees species have similar amplitude and similar time of achieving maximum value. It was observed that concentration of carbon monoxide emitted during combustion is different and depends on the kind of leaves of tested trees. The profiles of the level of carbon monoxide emitted during the combustion have different amplitude and different time of achieving the maximum value.
keywords: biomass, leaves of trees, CO emission level, CO2 emission level, combustion of tree leaves
original in: Polish