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vol. 8, nr. 2 (2006)

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Chemical composition of flesh and skin of Jonica and Szampion apple varieties produced in orchards in the province of Lublin
Bożena Kiczorowska1, Piotr Kiczorowski2, Agnieszka Bochniarz1
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1 Institute of Animal Nutrition, Agricultural University, ul. Akademicka 13, 20-934 Lublin
2 Department of Seed Science and Horticultural Nursery, Agricultural University, ul. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 2, pp. 375-383
abstract: The research was carried out on fruits gathered in chosen orchards situated in towns of the province of Lublin: Łęczna, Wola Sernicka (areas up to 2 ha), Góry Markuszowskie, Stryjno (5-10 ha areas), Puławy and Lublin (areas more than 10 ha). The highest concentration of dry matter was determined in the flesh (15.50% d.m.) and the skin (23.77% d.m.) of Szampion apples from small orchards in Stryjno, while in the flesh and skin of Jonica apples about 20% lower content of dry matter was reported compared to the flesh and skin of Szampion apples. In both of the analysed varieties of apples a higher nutritional content was found in the skin than in the flesh. The highest differences where noted in the content of crude fibre. The skin of analysed apples had 3 to 4-times more nutritional contents than the flesh of apples. The highest nutrition for Jonica was found in the apples produced in the orchards in Puławy, Łęczna and Stryjno. However, among the Szampion apples the most valuable were the apples obtained from the orchards situated in Stryjno and Góry Markuszowskie.
keywords: chemical composition, apples, flesh, peels, Jonica, Szampion
original in: Polish