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vol. 8, nr. 2 (2006)

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Energy efficiency of tillage methods and natural fertilization in potato cultivation
Hanna Klikocka
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Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Zamość, Agricultural University in Lublin, ul. Szczebrzeska 102, 22-400 Zamość

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 2, pp. 385-393
abstract: Two field experiments were carried out in 1996-2003 on a good rye-complex soil, where the effects of soil tillage as follows: conventional (plough) and ridges forming in summer, autumn and spring, and two kinds of natural fertilizers: cattle manure and straw plus nitrogen (urea) plus catch-crop (white mustard) were estimated. This work presents a comparison of energy balance of potato production and energy inputs involved in the tillage and natural fertilizers applied. Energy value of the yield of tubers and yield of dry mass of tubers and energy efficiency index were also estimated. The tillage methods did not significantly affect the energy inputs and the yield of potato tubers, although ploughing combined with autumn formation of ridges should be accepted as the most favourable. A higher yield of potato tubers, more favourable energy value and a higher value of energy efficiency index were obtained from the object fertilized with cattle manure than form the object fertilized with straw plus urea plus catch-crop. Fertilization with straw plus urea plus catch-crop (white mustard) significantly increased the energy input value on account of the application of nitrogen (urea) and the catch-crop. However, this system of fertilization significantly reduced energy inputs from direct energy carries (fuel), investments and human labour.
keywords: potato, tillage methods, natural fertilization, energy inputs, yield energy value, energy efficiency index
original in: Polish