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vol. 8, nr. 3 (2006)

Chemical properties of soils that remained for 35 years under Central Sulphur Storage dump in KIZPS „Siarkopol” in Tarnobrzeg
Waldemar Martyn1, Marek Jońca2
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1 The State Higher Vocational School, ul. Akademicka 8, 22-400 Zamość
2 Institute of Agriculture Science, Agricultural University of Lublin, ul. Szczebrzeska 102, 22-400 Zamość

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 3, pp. 689-698
abstract: The object of the study was the soils that remained for 35 years under the Central Sulphur Storage Dump in KiZPS in Jeziórko. Within this period over 80 mln tons of sulphur were stored in natural conditions. Due to the lack of proper technical solutions in those days, a proprietary original protection project was implemented to prevent penetration of sulphur into the soil profile beneath the dump. Granite cubes with the edge of 40-60 cm were put into a protecting pavement. Later, an 80 cm-thick buffer layer of sand was added and covered with concrete slabs. After the storage facility and the dump had been closed down, the soil was examined in profiles down to 280 cm from the primary surface. The study revealed that the protecting barriers had been insufficient, and that sulphur had moved into soil profile. Within the studied depth of profile significant amounts of sulphur were observed, both total forms (S) and sulphate sulphur (S-SO4). The contents of sulphur immensely exceeded the contents found in natural soil profiles. This resulted in significant lowering of soil pH, and migration of organic matter with water to great depth.
keywords: chemical properties of soils, sulphur dump, migration, protections, water-bearing level
original in: Polish