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vol. 8, nr. 3 (2006)

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The yield and quality of grain of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and hard wheat (triticum durum desf.) in dependence on agrotechnical level
Andrzej Woźniak
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Department of Soil and Plant Cultivation, University of Agriculture, ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 3, pp. 755-763
abstract: An experiment with spring wheat and hard wheat was conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Station of Uhrusk in the years 2003-2005. It was set in the randomized blocks design with 10 m2 plots in 4 replications. The grey-brown rendzina soil, for­med from light loam, weak sandy, was classified in the very good rye-type soil utility complex. The experiment concerned two agrotechnical levels: minimized (nitrogen 90 kg ha-1, harrowing) and intensive (nitrogen 140 kg ha-1, harrowing, herbicides, fungicides). The grain yield of spring wheat was higher by about 22.4% than that of hard wheat. Grain of spring wheat and hard wheat had the best quality. The minimized agrotechnical level decreased the content of total protein in grain, wet gluten and sedimentation value in relation to the intensive agrotechnical level.
keywords: spring wheat, hard wheat, yield of grain, quality of grain, agrotechnical level
original in: Polish