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vol. 8, nr. 4 (2006)

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Cost analysis of energetic willow production in the first year of cultivation
Dariusz Kwaśniewski
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Chair of Agricultural Engineering and Informatics, Agricultural University, ul. Balicka 104, 30-149 Kraków

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 4, pp. 871-880
abstract: The paper presents a study of the technologies of energetic willow cultivation in the first year of cultivation (the year of starting the plantation). The studies were conducted for two willow plantations located in the region of Małopolska. On the basis of operation sheets the levels of work expenditure were determined, split between manpower and machine work. Next, the costs of energetic willow production, meant for seedling, in the first year of cultivation, were determined. The production cost structure covered the costs of: raw materials, machine operation, manpower, as well as indirect costs.
keywords: energetic willow, costs of production, operational costs
original in: Polish