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vol. 1, nr. 4 (2003)

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Influence of pig farms on the concentration of biogenic elements in soil
Ewa Bekier-Jaworska, Bogdan Szostak
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Agricultural Institute, Szczebrzeska str. 102, 22-400 Zamość

vol. 1 (2003), nr. 4, pp. 607-615
abstract: The paper analysed the content of: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter in the soil in pig farms. The farms were situated on chernozem soils. The samples were taken from six layers, every 20 cm down to 120 cm deep, around the following objects: organic manure site, dunghill, fattening house and pen. The studies showed the highest content of organic matter around the organic manure site (53.8 g kg-1) and the pen (37.4 g kg-1). In both farms the deeper the profile the lower content of organic matter was estimated. The soil samples taken around organic manure site (1.8 g kg-1) and dunghill (1.7 g kg-1) had the highest content of nitrogen. In the farm A nitrogen content decrease of depth along the whole soil profile, while in the farm B nitrogen content decrease to 60 cm deep and next it increase. The soil near the fattening house and on the pen was the reachest in phosphorus and it was about 3.0 and 8.7 g kg-1, respectively. This element showed accumulation tendency in deeper layers of soil profile (III, IV, VI layer). The highest content of potassium was observed around the organic manure site (38.3 g kg-1) and on the pen (45.3 g kg-1). In the farm A the potassium was accumulated in the 40-80 cm depth, while in farm B the deeper the profile the lower the content of potassium. The content of all analysed elements in both farms were statistically significant (p<=0.001) from object, layer and it was significantly (p<=0.001) modified by interaction of both factors. Reassuming, among analysed components, the amount of phosphorus and potassium was marked higher than their natural content in the soil.
keywords: farm, pigs, soil pollution, biogens
original in: Polish