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vol. 9, nr. 3 (2007)

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Usage of multispectral Terra ASTER satellite images in research of land surface temperature
Jakub Wojkowski
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Department of Meteorology and Agricultural Climatology Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying, Agricultural University Al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Kraków

vol. 9 (2007), nr. 3, pp. 791-807
abstract: The research shows how to use satellite images in climatology investigations. The research of spatial differentiation of thermal conditions was carried in the Ojcowski National Park (OPN) situated in the south part of the Krakowsko-Czestochowska Upland. The work was focused on the integration of satellite detection with Geographical Information System (GIS), which provides up-to-date and very precise information and gives a chance to make spatial analysis with the use of modern technical software. Spectral and spatial analysis was carried on the basis of multispectral Terra ASTER satellite images. On the basis of those images the maps of brightness surface temperature were prepared with the spatial resolution of 90 m pixels-1. The satellite images were also used to create maps of land use. Normalised difference vegetation index NDVI was calculated which was used to research the relation between brightness surface temperature and land use. The analysis of satellite thermal images showed a significant dependence between land use and brightness surface temperature.
keywords: brightness surface temperature, remote sensing, NDVI, Terra ASTER, Geographical Information System (GIS), Ojców National Park (OPN)
original in: Polish