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vol. 10, nr. 1 (2007)

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Content of heavy metals as a criterion for cabbage quality assessment
Wiesław Bednarek1, Przemysław Tkaczyk2, Sławomir Dresler1
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1 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural University, ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin
2 Regional Agrochemical Station in Lublin, ul. Sławinkowska 5, 20-810 Lublin
3 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural University, ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin

vol. 10 (2007), nr. 1, pp. 7-18
abstract: In an environmental study carried out in the Lublin region in 2001-2003 cabbage quality was assessed based on the content of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Hg). Some interde-pendencies between these metals and some soil or plant properties were evaluated. Heavy metals in soil and plant were determined with the ASA method, other chemical analyses were made according to the research procedures of the accredited laboratory of Regional Chemical-Agriculture Station in Lublin. No significant influence of the plantation location in the Lublin region on the content of heavy metals in cabbage was found. Content of lead and zinc in cabbage depended the most on the complex of certain soil properties, while that of copper – the least. Content of zinc in cabbage depended the most on the remaining elements determined in the study, that of lead – the least. Average content of heavy metals in cabbage collected on plantations in the Lublin Region (0.019 mg Pb, 0.0066 mg Cd, 0.154 mg Ni, 1.628 mg Zn, 0.173 mg Cu, 0.0012 mg As and 0.0001 mg Hg per kilogram of fresh matter) indicates that the cabbage did not exceed the upper limits approved for the product and can be included in human diet without limitations.
keywords: cabbage, quality, heavy metals content
original in: Polish