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vol. 10, nr. 3 (2007)

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Climatic water balance of vegetation periods in Western Beskid Mountains
Grzegorz Benedykt Durło
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Department of Forest Protection and Forest Climatology, Faculty of Forest, Agricultural University , Al. 29 listopada 46, 31-425 Kraków

vol. 10 (2007), nr. 3, pp. 553-562
abstract: This paper presents the results of climatological elaboration of climatic water balance in vegetation seasons, in western part of Beskid Mountains. The data comes from measurements from 1987-2006 which were collected at eight meteorological station situated in the subregion of Beskid Śląski and Beskid Żywiecki Mts. The lowest value of climatic water balance was recorded in July, in Beskid Żywiecki Mts., on average +11.5 mm. The highest value was noted in September in Beskid Śląski Mts., +50 mm. Average value of index for the whole vegetation period totalled +183 mm. In the period covered by the research, months characterised by negative values of climatic water balance accounted for nearly 30% on average, the remaining 70% of cases having positive values. When rainfall amount during the vegetation season was less than 700 mm, it is possible to expect negative values of climatic water balance in the period. It is possible to conclude on the basis of the results obtained that the negative pluvial situation in the years 1999-2006 caused destabilization of the water balance of forest economies in the western part of Beskid Mts.
keywords: climate, water balance, vegetation season, Beskid Mts
original in: Polish