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vol. 10, nr. 3 (2007)

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Grain and protein yield of spring barley cultivars depending on sowing rate
Kazimierz Noworolnik
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Department of Cereals Cultivation, Institut of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy

vol. 10 (2007), nr. 3, pp. 617-623
abstract: Field experiments with spring barley were carried out in the years 2003-2005 (at 2 sites) on soil of good wheat complex. The effect of sowing rates of 280, 330 and 380 seed per m2 on grain and protein yield of spring barley cultivars Blask, Rasbet and Sezam was investigated. 1000 grain weight and grain fraction > 2.5 mm were also determined. Increased sowing rate caused a high yield increase of Rasbet cultivar and a slight yield increase of Sezam cultivar. Tendency to higher protein content in grain at high sowing rate was observed. High sowing rate had a negative effect on 1000 seed weight and a positive one on grain fraction above 2.5 mm.
keywords: spring barley, cultivars, yield, sowing rate
original in: Polish