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vol. 10, nr. 3 (2007)

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Growth and yield of winter wheat after 50 years of different fertilization and crop rotation
Irena Suwara, Stanisław Lenart, Alicja Gawrońska-Kulesza
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Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW), ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa

vol. 10 (2007), nr. 3, pp. 695-704
abstract: The paper describes the effect of long term organic, mineral and organic-mineral (mixed) fertilization on the growth, yielding and canopy structure of winter wheat cultivated in two crop rotations after different forecrops. The investigations were carried out in two permanent long term fertilizing experiments established in 1955 in Chylice on soil of the black earth type with the grain size composition of light loam. In the two experiments the following fertilizer treatments were compared: mineral fertilization (NPK), farmyard manure (FM), mixed mineral and organic fertiliza-tion (½ NPK + ½ FM) and control without fertilization (0). The fertilizing was applied in two crop rotations: A) Norfolk rotation: sugar beet – spring barley with undersown clover – red clover – winter wheat; B) without papilionaceous crops: sugar beet – spring barley – winter rape – winter wheat. In 2005 the yield of winter wheat, cultivar Zyta, some components of yield structure (number of ears, weight 1000 grains, number of grains per one ear) and dynamics of dry matter growth of aboveground parts of 50 plants were determined. Dynamics of dry matter growth of aboveground parts of 50 winter wheat plants was not dependent on fertilization system. Forecrop for winter wheat and fertilization system had an influence on winter wheat yields, but forecrop had the highest influ-ence. The most favourable effect on yield of winter wheat was found in the Norfolk rotation, in treatments with organic-mineral and mineral fertilizers. Yields of winter wheat cultivated after winter rape were not differentiated. The lack of fertilization (0) decreased yield of winter wheat, number of ears, weight 1000 grains and number of grains in one ear.
keywords: fertilization, forecrop, winter wheat, yield
original in: Polish