www.old.acta-agrophysica.org / semi_year_book

vol. 9, nr. 2 (2007)

Growing of greenhouse cherry tomato in coconut fibre with differentiated nitrogen and potassium fertilization. Part IV. Assessment of nutritional status of plants
Włodzimierz Breś, Bartosz Ruprik
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vol. 9 (2007), nr. 2, pp. 297-305
abstract: Tomatoes were grown in coconut fibre using nutrients with a differentiated content of N and K. The nutrient solutions did not affect significantly the nutritional status of plants. This regularity referred both to the macro- and micro-elements. However, the grown cherry tomato cultivars differed by their component content in the index parts of the plants. The greatest amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and copper were usually found in leaves of „Flavorino” cultivar, on the other hand, the greatest amounts of sulphur, sodium, manganese, zinc and boron were identified in „Conchita” cultivar. The critical values and guide values elaborated for standard tomato cultivars have proven to be useless for the estimation of the nutritional status of cherry tomato cultivars. It is recommended to continue further studies in order to permit modification of the present index values or to elaborate new ones for the discussed group of cultivars.
keywords: cherry tomato, coconut fibre, plant tissue analysis
original in: Polish