1. |
Krzysztof Bartoszek, Ireneusz Banasiewicz: |
Agrometeorological characteristics of the vegetation period in 2005 against the background of the period of 1951-2005 in the Lublin region |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 275-283
| (get PDF ) |
2. |
Włodzimierz Breś, Bartosz Ruprik: |
Growing of greenhouse cherry tomato in coconut fibre with differentiated nitrogen and potassium fertilization. Part III. Nutrient accumulation in medium |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 285-296
| (get PDF ) |
3. |
Włodzimierz Breś, Bartosz Ruprik: |
Growing of greenhouse cherry tomato in coconut fibre with differentiated nitrogen and potassium fertilization. Part IV. Assessment of nutritional status of plants
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 297-305
| (get PDF ) |
4. |
Krystyna Bryś: |
Diurnal long-term variations of saturation deficit at Wrocław-Swojec observatory |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 307-318
| (get PDF ) |
5. |
Małgorzata Czarnecka, Jadwiga Nidzgorska-Lencewicz: |
Characteristics of turbulence on the basis of wind speed in the region of Stargard Szczeciński |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 321-332
| (get PDF ) |
6. |
Andrzej Czerniak, Łukasz Rojewski, Dariusz Kayzer: |
Quality of scotch pine assimilatory apparatus in the vicinity of electromagnetic field generated by electrical power line |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 333-343
| (get PDF ) |
7. |
Marek Ćwintal, Jacek Olszewski: |
Influence of pre-sowing laser stimulation of seeds on photosynthesis and transpiration intensity and on yielding of alfalfa |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 345-352
| (get PDF ) |
8. |
Jan Grabowski, Ewelina Olba-Zięty, Krystyna Grabowska: |
Differentiation in meteorological conditions and their influence on potato yield in two mesoregions |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 353-359
| (get PDF ) |
9. |
Krzysztof Jarzyna: |
Teledetection and its applications in tasks connected with protection against air polution in rural areas |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 361-370
| (get PDF ) |
10. |
Mirosław Kasperczyk: |
Alterations in meadow grass production for different amounts of precipitation and different types of fertilizer |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 371-378
| (get PDF ) |
11. |
Małgorzata Kleniewska: |
Areas especially exposed to sulphur dioxide immission in Warsaw urban area |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 379-388
| (get PDF ) |
12. |
Jan Kołodziej, Bogdan Kulig: |
Influence of development stages dates and lengths on grain yield and selected characteristics of oats |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 389-398
| (get PDF ) |
13. |
Bronisława Barbara Kram, Jan Woliński, Joanna Wolińska: |
Aerodynamic properties of nutlets of Red corolla buckwheat |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 399-406
| (get PDF ) |
14. |
Stanisław Krzanowski, Andrzej Wałęga: |
Hydrometeorological aspects of dimensioning of devices for retention of rainfall water from urbanized areas |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 407-422
| (get PDF ) |
15. |
Marcin Mitrus: |
Investigations of the mechanical properties of thermoplastic starch |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 423-430
| (get PDF ) |
16. |
Leszek Mościcki, L.P.B.M. Janssen , Marcin Mitrus, Tomasz Oniszczuk, Andrzej Rejak, Stanisław Juśko: |
Baro-thermal techniques in processing of thermoplastic starch |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 431-442
| (get PDF ) |
17. |
Piotr Nawara, Barbara Krzysztofik: |
Measurement of geometric parameters of potato tubers using a video-computer method |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 443-448
| (get PDF ) |
18. |
Janusz Podleśny, Stanisław Pietruszewski: |
The role of magnetic stimulation of seeds in formation of faba bean plants resistance to water deficit in the soil substrate |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 449-458
| (get PDF ) |
19. |
Renata Różyło, Janusz Laskowski : |
Study of relationships between physical and technological properties of spring wheat grain |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 459-470
| (get PDF ) |
20. |
Małgorzata Rząca, Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert : |
The influence of drying technique and storage conditions on dried apples reconstitution and hygroscopic properties |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 471-479
| (get PDF ) |
21. |
Zofia Sokołowska, Jolanta Kwiatkowska, Alina Maciejewska: |
Adsorption of water vapour on brown coals of different origin |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 481-494
22. |
Hanna Szajsner, Danuta Drozd: |
Comparison of semi-conductor laser radiation influence on spring and winter barley genotypes |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 495-503
| (get PDF ) |
23. |
Alicja Węgrzyn: |
Classification of vegetation periods according to thermal criteria in the Lublin region
in the years 1951-1990 |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 505-516
| (get PDF ) |
24. |
Mieczysław Wilczek, Gabriel Fordoński: |
Influence of pre-sowing laser stimulation of seeds on photosynthesis and transpiration intensity and on yielding of red clover |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 517-524
| (get PDF ) |
25. |
Andrzej Woźniak, Michał Staniszewski: |
The influence of weather conditions on grains quality of spring wheat cv. Opatka and winter wheat
cv. Korweta
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 525-540
| (get PDF ) |
26. |
Jacek Żarski, Stanisław Dudek, Renata Kuśmierek: |
Variability of extreme air temperature in the region of Bydgoszcz in the period 1971-2005 |
vol. 9, nr. 2
(2007), pp. 541-547
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