www.old.acta-agrophysica.org / semi_year_book

vol. 14, nr. 3 (2009)

Influence of freezing and osmotic dehydration in various types of osmotic solutions on chosen properties of freeze-dried strawberries
Agnieszka Ciurzyńska, Andrzej Lenart
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Department of Food Engineering and Process Management, Faculty of Food Sciences, SGGW ul. Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-787 Warszawa

vol. 14 (2009), nr. 3, pp. 577-590
abstract: The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of osmotic dehydration, type of osmotic solution and freezing on chosen physical properties of freeze-dried strawberries. Analyses were made on the basis of changes in water content and water activity as well as sorption and rehydration properties. Osmotic dehydration in sucrose solution of strawberries, fresh and frozen, caused water vapour sorption decrease. Fruits after osmotic pre-treatment before freeze-drying were characterised by lower final water content after 2 hours of rehydration in comparison to fruits not subjected to osmotic dehydration.
keywords: strawberries, freeze-drying, osmotic dehydration, water vapour, rehydration sorption
original in: Polish