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vol. 15, nr. 1 (2010)

Weeds density of perennial energy crop species as dependent on plantation maturity
Halina Borkowska1, Roman Molas2
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1 Department of Crop Cultivation, University of Life Sciences in Lublin ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin
2 ul. Jana Matejki 31, 20-430 Lublin

vol. 15 (2010), nr. 1, pp. 13-21
abstract: The weeds density was determined in 2007 at the Experimental Farm Felin, University of Life Sciences, in Lublin, during an experiment with several species of energy crops: Miscanthus (sacchariflorus and giganteus), Sida hermaphrodita, and two clones (1047, 1054) of Salix viminalis. The weeds density extent was also determined for Sida hermaphrodita in the second, third, and fifth year of cultivation. The aboveground parts of weeds were collected at the end of June from four randomly selected points of 0.5 m-2 area, then the species composition, number, and air-dry matter was determined. In the second year of cultivation the lowest number of weeds was determined in Sida hermaphrodita trials. The largest numbers of weeds grew in both Salix clones: their air-dry matter did not significantly differ from weed weight in Miscanthus sacchariflorus and giganteus trials at low crop density (10000 pcs ha-1). For Sida hermaphrodita, the smallest numbers of weeds grew in the fifth cultivation year; however, in the second year, despite their considerable number, air-dry weed matter was significantly the lowest for three years.
keywords: weeds density, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and giganteus, Salix viminalis, Sida hermaphrodita, cultivation season
original in: Polish