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vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010)

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Content of fat and tocopherols in seeds of polish varieties of Amaranthus cruentus L. in conditions of diversified fertilization with macroelements
Barbara Skwaryło-Bednarz
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Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Zamość, University of Life Sciences in Lublin ul. Szczebrzeska 102, 22-400 Zamość

vol. 15 (2010), nr. 2, pp. 409-415
abstract: The influence of diversified fertilization with macroelements on content of fat and α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherol in the seeds of polish varieties of amaranthus was investigated in the field experiment carried out in the years 2005-2006. The experiment involved: two varieties of amaranthus – Rawa and Aztec, and three increasing levels of NPK fertilization (1 – no fertilization; 2 – 90 N kg ha-1, 60 P2O5 kg ha-1, 60 K2O kg ha-1; 3 – 130 N kg ha-1, 70 P2O5 kg ha-1, 70 K2O kg ha-1). The results reveal, that the content of fat in the seeds of amaranthus largely depended on the variety of the plant and the variant of fertilization with macroelements. Exceptionally high content of fat in the seeds was observed at the highest level of NPK fertilization. Higher content of fat was found in the seeds of Aztek variety. It was observed, that both varieties of amaranthus differ in the content of α, β, γ-tocopherol and their total amount. Higher content of α, and γ-tocopherol as well as their total amount was found in the seeds of Aztek variety. The seeds of Rawa variety contained significantly more β-tocopherols than the seeds of Aztek variety. Fertilization wit increasing dosages of NPK had a significant influence only on the amount of β-tocopherol in the seeds of amaranthus.
keywords: content of fat, tocopherols, amaranthus
original in: Polish