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vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010)

1. Maja Bryk:
Changes of size distribution of macropores and solid phase elements in rendzic leptosol caused by tillage
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 221-332
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2. Karol Bujak, Mariusz Frant:
Influence of pre-sowing seed stimulation using magnetic field on winter wheat yielding and grain technological quality of grain
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 233-245
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3. Dorota Gawęda:
The influence of stubble crops on oats yielding grown in monoculture
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 247-255
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4. Ewa Gondek, Ewa Jakubczyk, , Grażyna Cacak-Pietrzak:
The acoustic properties of wheat grain with different endosperm structure
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 257-267
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5. Krzysztof Gondek: :
Assessment of the effect of sulphur supplied to the soil with mineral fertilizers and waste from magnesium sulphate production on its content in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 269-280
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6. Ewa Jakubczyk, Ewa Gondek, Karolina Głód:
Characteristics of physical properties of apple powder produced by foam-mat freeze-drying method
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 281-291
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7. Tomasz Jakubowski:
Effect of storage on mass loss of potato tubers irradiated with microwaves
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 293-303
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8. Beata Jazurek-Gutek, Stanisław Grundas, Janusz Laskowski, Józef Sadkiewicz:
Forgotten functional properties of fruit flour from corab tree (Ceratonia sili-qua L.) and new possibilities of its use as a nutritional addition in bakery products (a reviev)
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 305-313
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9. Dorota Kalembasa, Elżbieta Malinowska:
The content of selected elements in biomass of Miscanthus sacchariflorus and in soil at diverse doses of nitrogen
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 315-322
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10. Stanisław Kalembasa, Elżbieta Anna Adamiak:
The determination of chemical composition of rapeseed cake
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 323-332
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11. Marcin Kidoń, Janusz Czapski:
Colour changes of anthocyanin pigments from purple carrot juice in aqueous solutions at various pH values
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 333-345
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12. Czesław Koźmiński, Bożena Michalska:
Variability in the number of hot, sweltering days and thermal perception at the polish Baltic coast
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 347-357
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13. Małgorzata Nowacka, Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert:
Changes of hygroscopic properties of dried apples during storage condition
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 359-370
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14. Jan Piekarczyk, Hanna Sulewska:
Assessment of winter spelt and wheat growth and yield by ground spectral measurements
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 371-381
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15. Renata Różyło, Dariusz Dziki, Janusz Laskowski:
The influence of flour gluten content on physical properties of bread baked from dough with different yield
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 383-394
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16. Ewa Rumasz-Rudnicka:
Influence of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer on assimilation and transpiration of wes-terwolds ryegrass
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 395-408
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17. Barbara Skwaryło-Bednarz:
Content of fat and tocopherols in seeds of polish varieties of Amaranthus cruentus L. in conditions of diversified fertilization with macroelements
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 409-415
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18. Grzegorz Szwed, Jacek Majcher:
Application of electrostatic field in separation process of crushed plant material
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 417-427
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19. Marian Wesołowski, Rafał Cierpiała:
The yielding and weed infestation of winter wheat in dependence on doses of herbicide Huzar 05 WG
vol. 15, nr. 2 (2010), pp. 429-439
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