www.old.acta-agrophysica.org / semi_year_book

vol. 17, nr. 1 (2011)

Dough fermentation properties and physical properties of wheat bread baked using flour of different temperature
Renata Różyło
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Department of Machine Operation in Food Industry, University of Life Sciences ul. Doświadczalna 44, 20-280 Lublin

vol. 17 (2011), nr. 1, pp. 177-189
abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes of fermentation properties of dough and of the physical properties of bread baked using flour of different temperature. The white bread wheat flour type 750 was used in this study. The dough fermentation properties were determined using a fermentograph. The breads were baked using the straight dough method. Quality of the resulting bread was evaluated with respect to the loaf volume, specific weight of bread, whiteness and hardness of breadcrumb. Results show that flour temperature from –20 to 60oC had a significant effect on the fermentation properties of dough. The increasing temperature of flour from –20 to 40oC resulted in an enlargement of bread loaf volume. Additionally, bread from flour with temperature of 60oC temperature had the lowest volume. Whiteness and hardness of breadcrumb also significantly changed with the changes in the temperature of flour
keywords: bread, physical properties, temperature, dough fermentation properties, physical properties
original in: Polish