1. |
Sławomir Bakier, Krzysztof Miastkowski: |
Analysis of selected technological factors determining particle size distribution of crystalline glucose |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 5-16
| (get PDF ) |
2. |
Agnieszka Ciurzyńska, Andrzej Lenart, , Monika Siemiątkowska: |
The influence of osmotic dehydration on colour and mechanical properties of freeze-dried strawberries |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 17-32
| (get PDF ) |
3. |
Fabian Dajnowiec, Aleksander Kubiak, Lidia Zander, Paweł Banaszczyk: |
The structure of microcapsules of ethyl esters of vegetable oils |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 33-41
| (get PDF ) |
4. |
Fabian Dajnowiec, Aleksander Kubiak, Lidia Zander, Paweł Banaszczyk: |
The structure of microcapsules of ethyl esters of vegetable oils |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 33-41
| (get PDF ) |
5. |
Leon Demianiuk: |
Research on the process of compressing gigant miscanthus |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 43-53
| (get PDF ) |
6. |
Monika Jaroszuk-Sierocińska, Anna Słowińska-Jurkiewicz: |
Morphometric characteristic of the structure of horticultural substrates |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 55-64
| (get PDF ) |
7. |
Jarosław Kaszubkiewicz, Dorota Kawałko, Paweł Jezierski: |
Chosen water properties of soil mixture |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 65-75
| (get PDF ) |
8. |
Katarzyna Kędzierska, Zbigniew Pałacha: |
Effect of temperature on water sorption properties of dried champignon mushrooms |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 77-88
| (get PDF ) |
9. |
Paweł Kiełbasa: |
Influence of potatoe field irrigation on physical properties of tubers |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 89-103
| (get PDF ) |
10. |
Wojciech Kozieł, Teresa Włodarczyk: |
Algae – biomass production (a reviev) |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 105-116
| (get PDF ) |
11. |
Piotr Kraska: |
Tillage systems and catch crops as factors creating physical and chemical properties of spring wheat grain cultivar Zebra |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 117-133
| (get PDF ) |
12. |
Norbert Marks, Przemysław Szecówka: |
The impact of seed-potato stimulation with variable magnetic field on potato yielding |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 135-150
| (get PDF ) |
13. |
Jarosław Mazurkiewicz, Tomasz Czernecki: |
The residue of chloroorganic pesticides in chosen frozen vegetables from the market of Lublin |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 151-163
| (get PDF ) |
14. |
Małgorzata Nowacka, Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert, Wioleta Strachota, Ewa Sobczak: |
Changes in the content of vitamin C and carotenoids during dried carrot and potato storage |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 165-175
| (get PDF ) |
15. |
Renata Różyło: |
Dough fermentation properties and physical properties of wheat bread baked using flour of different temperature |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 177-189
| (get PDF ) |
16. |
Iwona Szot: |
Influence of hand thinning methods on yield and fruit quality of apple trees cv. ‘Jona-gold’/ M.26 |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 191-205
| (get PDF ) |
17. |
Mieczysław Wilczek, Marek Ćwintal: |
Influence of pre-sowing laser stimulation and microelement nutrition (B, Mo) on yield-ing of seed of tetraploid red clover during four-year performance |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 207-217
| (get PDF ) |
18. |
Paulina Wolska, Alicja Ceglińska, Ewa Drabarczyk vel Grabarczyk: |
Influence of amaranth products addition on quality of wheat bread |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 219-228
| (get PDF ) |
19. |
Krystyna Żuk-Gołaszewska, Katarzyna Majewska, Janusz Gołaszewski: |
Mechanical properties of a single red clover seed |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 229-239
| (get PDF ) |
20. |
Aleksandra Żurawska, Paweł Rochowski, Janusz Szurkowski, Aleksandra Żurawska, Paweł Rochowski, Janusz Szurkowski, Aleksandra Żurawska, Paweł Rochowski, Janusz Szurkowski: |
Preliminary analysis of the possibility of photoacoustic spectroscopy in photophysics of soil |
vol. 17, nr. 1
(2011), pp. 241-250
| (get PDF ) |