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vol. 3, nr. 3 (2004)

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Usefulness of humification number in studies of the state of secondary transformation as compared to water holding capacity, against selected physico-chemical properties of mucks
Dorota Matyka-Sarzyńska, Zofia Sokołowska
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Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin

vol. 3 (2004), nr. 3, pp. 553-563
abstract: The objective of the study was to adapt the humification number as an index of the state of secondary transformation of organic soils in comparison to the water holding capacity index, W1. The study was performed on 14 muck formations, characterized by different surface charge and surface area values. The relationship between W1 and the humification number Hz was found. The results obtained indicate that simultaneous application of both indexes provides a better characterisation of the state of secondary transformation of organic soils.
keywords: mucks, humification number, water holding capacity index, surface area, total surface charge
original in: Polish