www.old.acta-agrophysica.org / semi_year_book

vol. 6, nr. 3 (2005)

Rate of accumulation of dry mass by maize in dependence on dose of phosphorus, kind of fertilizer and method of fertilization
Andrzej Kruczek, Piotr Szulc
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Department of Plant and Soil Cultivation, University of Agriculture, ul. 45/46 Mazowiecka, 60-623 Poznań

vol. 6 (2005), nr. 3, pp. 689-700
abstract: The aim of the research, conducted in the years 2000-2003, was to examine the effect of maize fertilization method on the initial growth of maize. Two methods of fertilization were applied: broadcasting and in rows simultaneously with sowing of grains. The effectiveness of fertilization methods was estimated at increasing levels of fertilization, from 17,4 kg P∙ha-1 to 56,7 kg P∙ha-1, and with the application of superphosphate and ammonium phoisphate. The row application of fertilizers caused an increase in the dry mass of 1 plant and in the yield of dry plant mass in the initial period of maize growth, in comparison to broadcast fertilization, the influence increasing in measure with the progress of vegetation. The use the two-component fertilizer, ammonium phosphate, increased the effectiveness of localized fertilization in relation to the application of superphosphate in the same way.
keywords: starter fertilization, kind of fertilizer, doses of P
original in: Polish