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vol. 7, nr. 4 (2006)

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Effect of foliar calcium nitrate spray on the mineral nutrient content in leaves and fruit of ‘Elise’ apples
Iwona Domagała-Świątkiewicz
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Department of Soil Cultivation and Fertilization, Faculty of Horticulture, Agricultural University, Al. 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Kraków

vol. 7 (2006), nr. 4, pp. 867-877
abstract: The study was carried out in 2004-2005 in the Experimental Station near Cracow, with five year-old ‘Elise’ apple trees on M.9 rootstock. Three sprays were applied with 0,4% Ca(NO3)2 after postbloom (June-July) in each of the two years. The effect of mineral nutrient concentration in fruitlet and apple fruit at harvest was investigated. Results demonstrate that fruitlet Ca concentration was significantly higher in treated trees than in untreated ones. Lowest N/Ca and K/Ca ratios in fruit flesh tissues were reported as a result of Ca sprays. Early Ca sprays were not effective in increasing fruit Ca concentration determined at harvest.
keywords: apple, foliar nutrition, calcium nitrate, fruit mineral content
original in: Polish