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vol. 8, nr. 2 (2006)

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Infuence of harvest time on some minerals content in soda forage (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby)
Andrzej Tarkowski
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Institute of Animal Nutrition, Agricultural University, ul. Akademicka 13, 20-934 Lublin

vol. 8 (2006), nr. 2, pp. 509-514
abstract: Samples of sida forage (leaves and stem separately) from field experiments were taken in three different stages – in bud, before flowering, and early bud, to determine the content of major elements (Ca, P, K, Na) and trace elements (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe). The highest content of Ca and Mg in sida was observed at the beginning of flowering. Some differences were also noted in the content of some other minerals, depending on harvesting time, whereas the content of copper was stable in both leaves and stems, irrespective of the time of harvest. A higher major and trace elements content was found at the beginning of flowering. The contents of calcium and magnesium were high and variable, whereas the level of phosphorus and copper was fairly constant.
keywords: sida forage, harvest time, mineral elements
original in: Polish