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vol. 9, nr. 2 (2007)

Aerodynamic properties of nutlets of Red corolla buckwheat
Bronisława Barbara Kram1, Jan Woliński2, Joanna Wolińska3
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1 Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences ul. Chełmońskiego 37/41 50-630 Wrocław
2 Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Podlasie, ul. B. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce
3 Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Science, University of Podlasie ul. B. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce

vol. 9 (2007), nr. 2, pp. 399-406
abstract: Buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum Gilib) belongs to the Polygonaceae family. Buckwheat fruit is a triangular nutlet, generally smooth, however, sometimes wings appear in some forms. Groats, i.e. means nutlets without seed cover, are the basic product obtained in the processing industry. Pneumatic transport is used to relocate seeds, both in production processes and in processing industry. There have been no studies on aerodynamic properties of buckwheat seeds so far. Therefore, experiments on aerodynamic properties of buckwheat nutlets, both with and without seed cover, were carried out in the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Agricultural Academy in Wrocław in co-operation with the University of Podlasie in Siedlce. The critical velocity of buckwheat nutlets with seed cover was determined in vertical air flow, where vk = 4.1-7.95 m s-1, and then without the cover, where vk = 5,66-9.26 m s-1. Volatility coefficients ko (average value ko = 0.272) were calculated. Nutlets without cover were characterized by lower values (average value ko = 0.163). Moreover, aerodynamic drag coefficients kx were calculated and average value for the whole nutlets amounted to 0.497, while for seeds after husking 0.427. The critical velocity was shown as a function of weight of the tested buckwheat nutlets of Red Corolla form.
keywords: buckwheat, nutlets with cover, nutlets without cover, weight, critical velocity, volatility coefficient, aerodynamic drag coefficient
original in: Polish