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vol. 16, nr. 2 (2010)

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Estimation of selected biometric and physical properties and yielding of mountain rye (Secale montanum Guss.)
Bogusław Szot, Marek Geodecki
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Institute of Agrophysics Polish Academy of Sciences ul. Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin, Poland

vol. 16 (2010), nr. 2, pp. 451-457
abstract: A study was conducted on the plants and grain of mountain rye (Secale montanum) in the aspect of estimation of selected biometric and physical properties as well as yielding of that rye species. The initial experimental material originated from Turkey and was multiplied by the authors, after which determinations were made of the height of plants, number of yielding stems per plant, ear length, number of kernels from a single ear, weight of a single kernel, kernel length and thickness, yield from a single plant, and the resistance of individual kernels to static loads, expressed by three basic mechanical parameters. It was fund that plants of rye Secale montanum are characterised by very high number of stems per plant, and the ear length and the number of kernels per ear are greater than those of common rye. The average yield of grain from a single plant is higher than 39 grams, and the weight of a single kernel reaches 56 milligrams, with correspondingly high values of kernel length and thickness. The values of mechanical parameters characterising the resistance of individual kernels to static loads are also higher than in the case of kernels of common rye (Secale cereale).
keywords: mountain rye, biometric features, yield of grain, physical properties
original in: Polish