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vol. 13, nr. 1 (2009)

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Wpływ zmiennej zawartości fosforu i kolagenu na charakterystykę reologiczną mortadeli
Michał Olkiewicz, Piotr Moch, Agnieszka Ostrowska
(pobierz wersję PDF)
Instytut Przemysłu Mięsnego i Tłuszczowego ul. Jubilerska 4, 04-190 Warszawa

vol. 13 (2009), nr. 1, pp. 221-223
streszczenie: The subject of the work was the assessment of the effect of variable content of total phosphorus and collagen in a model product on its rheological characteristics. The trial material was formed by 5 variants of model mortadella made of lean pork shoulder (40-60%), pork stomachs (10-30%), neck pork fat in cubes (20%) and 10% addition of water-fat-protein emulsion (5/5/1). The following factors were determined: water, total protein, fat, NaCl, total phosphorus and collagen contents. The so-called invariables were calculated, i.e. content ratios of: water to protein (Feder’s number), fat to protein, phosphorus to protein and collagen to protein. The rheological properties of mortadella were tested with the CASRA method. The growing share of shoulder of higher protein content in the recipe resulted in an increase in total phosphorus content in the product and it led to strengthening of its structure and improvement of its consistency, which was shown in the linear increase in plasticity (P) and fall of prod-uct elasticity (E) and fluidity (F). The growing share of pork stomachs resulted in weakening of the struc-ture and worsening of the product consistency, as shown by decrease in plasticity (P) and increase in elasticity (E) and fluidity (F).
słowa kluczowe: fosfor, kolagen, charakterystyka reologiczna, receptura surowcowa produktów mięsnych
język oryginału: angielski